Our governance philosophy is based on a set of laws, principles,and good practices besides a commitment to deliver effective services to the deprived children and their communities at the grassroots that enables our organization to perform efficiently and ethically and create value for all our stakeholders - members, donors, partners, beneficiaries, and regulators.
Our governance rests on the following four (4) core principles:
Following our governance philosophy, PARD INDIA continuously strives for excellence by reorienting our organizational structure and providing broader community and volunteer participation at the grassroots of society.
Our organizational structure is developed by considering the hierarchical, functional, and matrix models facilitating adequate controls, communication, and decision-making at all levels. We have committed members, staff, and volunteers primarily drawn from the local communities supported by industry experts across the globe.
The Executive Committee consists of members elected or nominated by the General Body of our organization, generally every two (2) years, in accordance with the statutes of PARD INDIA. They are primarily responsible for framing and implementing organization policies covering Rules & Regulations and necessary amendments to the Bylaws with in the Societies Registration Act of 35/2001 legal framework. They also seek, review, and implement the decisions of the Board of Directors, Directors, Advisors, Project Execution, and Functional Teams of the organization. Their primary responsibilities include administration matters related to conducting General Body Meetings, Renewals of Bylaws, Budgeting, Planning & Control, Management of Offices, Human Resources, Recruitment, Finance, Accounts, Income Tax, Legal Matters, Signing Contracts, etc.
We are working on creating a Board of Directors by promoting active, committed, and experienced members within our organization. We also appoint experienced professionals (in service or retired) from various organizations who bring their experience and expertise to direct our organization's growth strategically in the areas of extensive collaborations, partnerships, diversified fundraising, and technology-driven innovative projects and their execution.
They are experienced professionals with exceptional skills in their own domain of work, such as Project Management, HR, Digital Solutions, Fundraising, Finance, IT, HR, Engineering, Social Entrepreneurship, Medical, Education, Social Services, etc., who work with us as a team member to deliver their assigned roles and responsibilities.
They are drawn from different walks of life across the globe and have more profound knowledge in a specific domain with cross-functional and multidisciplinary expertise to mentor or guide our organization. They advise the Executive Committee on better governance, legal matters, IT & web technologies and cyber security systems, impact measurement, contracts management, expansion of services, etc.
We engage people such as celebrities, educationists, professionals, students, etc., who represent and promote the brand of PARD INDIA and our services positively as our volunteers and help to spread our social cause through all means, including social media.
The Project Management Team (PMT) comprises full-time or part-time staff/employees passionate about serving needy people. Their selection is primarily based on the educational and experience criteria, followed by an interview that determines their commitment to our social cause, and such staffs are paid reasonable remuneration every month for the days they worked and for their assigned deliverables. They assume full responsibility for program planning, implementation, monitoring, and reporting in close coordination with the Functional Teams. Their recruitment and reporting relations are primarily attached to the Executive Committee. Based on the need and the staff’s commitment, these members are also inducted into the Executive Committee or Board of Directors based on their long-term contributions to the organization. The organizational levels/structure of PMT is as follows here below:
To keep our operational overheads low, we employ salaried staff at a minimum, while most of our teams actively participate in every program voluntarily, without cost to the organization.
We are working on creating high-level State Committees in each state of India by selecting like-minded volunteers. This committee facilitates expanding our service and donor base, helping coordinate with various state agencies or corporations to mobilize necessary support by giving broad campaigns to our social cause across every state. The respective State Committee forms the City Unit of PARD INDIA in significant cities in the state.
The District Committee heads all the Developmental Teams of our organization and directly implements Projects and Programs at the district level with close coordination with City, Mandal, and Village Committees. They are also responsible for expanding the donor base and raising funds across the district. Functionally, they are independent but administratively responsible to the Executive Committee.
The Mandal/Block Committee heads all the Village Committees under their area and directly implements the Projects and Programs at the Mandal / Block level with close coordination with the Village Committees. Functionally, they are independent but administratively responsible to the respective District Committee.
The Village Committee plays a vital role at the micro level and implements projects and programs at the grassroots by associating with our beneficiaries – deprived children, their families, and local communities in the village. The Village committee typically includes students, youth, social activists, local leaders, volunteers, Self Help Groups (SHGs), etc., drawn from local communities by cutting the barriers of caste, religion, and gender differences. They play a critical role in building positive communities in their neighborhood by actively developing their village. The respective District and Mandal Committees support these Village Committees for effective functioning.
We encourage the participation of volunteers across the globe to help PARD INDIA in many ways, including but not limited to promoting our social cause across social media, proposal writing, fundraising, advocacy, team building, project management, serving at the grassroots, etc.